Saturday, September 17, 2005

The funny thing about Molly-hair

Intro: Molly is a Jack Russell Terrier who lives in the house where I'm currently residing. She is the pet of the soon-to-be "Smug Married" who owns the house.

A recent scientific breakthrough has found that there are many uncommon uses for Molly-hair. Due to it's incredible staying power, it has been found to make an incredible sofa cover. Tired of staring at the same old bland brown couch? Say no more. With Molly-hair you can change the color of the sofa to white with just one shake of a dog's head. While Molly-hair is only available in white, it could easily be spray-painted a soothing shade of lilac or even a horrific shade of day-glo orange.
And that's not all? Are you a man who's suffering from premature balding? Are you afraid to get a toupee because you fear it will fall off? Fear no more. Just one package of Molly-hair and a box of hair dye and you'll have the full head of hair you've been wanting without the fear of being discovered. Thanks to the incredible adhesive power of Molly-hair, even a vacuum cleaner will not pull the hair from your head. No need to fear toupees in windstorms anymore. With Molly-hair fear is a thing of the past. Get your Molly-hair today.


  1. Thank you. Good job!

    I offer up my testimonial that Molly-hair sticks like glue. You could make millions!

  2. i've actually had my pug's hair stick into my feet like a needle would. pretty weird. oh yeah, i also have a white cat that used to rub up against my work clothes @ night. when i put them on a found a wonderful snow-flake decor.
