Sunday, September 18, 2005

I am an @**

Okay, yeah. So, I am a jerk. I don't know when to shut up and I run my mouth off totally causing other people to lose their enjoyment in blogging. I don't want to stop blogging because I really enjoy hearing people opinions about important (and not so important stuff) but I feel like EVERYTHING I've said for the last week has turned horribly wrong. I say things in a way that doesn't make sense, or I say things that don't really need to be said, and I'm just completely an idiot about the whole thing. So anyone who might be reading this tonight who was involved in the whole mess, I'm sorry. I apologize for being an a** and going off. Please forgive me for being selfish in wanting to defend my "honor" or whatever you want to call it and forgive me for being so hasty in responding to something that was not meant the way it sounded. I really don't know what else to say. I feel terrible. I really messed up and I love you all and pray that you can forgive me (please).

Peace out for now,


  1. Jeni, please don't be so hard on yourself. In my opinion you've done nothing wrong. We are all experts on our own opinion and there's no escaping that.

    Blogging is like any other type of relationship. There will be conflict at times. What counts is the energy we put into working through it. These times become opportunities for relationships to grow if people don't just give up and walk away.

    Condemnation is a big fat lie from the "accuser of the brethren," and certainly no one in this group is accusing you of anything.

    Peace to you.

  2. Jeni, I've been reading the blogs and comments all this week and I haven't seen anything that you have done that I felt was inappropriate or would deserve the description of "ass." I haven't been upset by anything that you have written. I think Tim is right--you seem to be a bit hard on yourself.

  3. your are greatly loved, jeni. we'll keep truckin', together, & move on. you're incredibly smart & sensitive & i appreciate that about you. there's no hard-feelings on my side & i hope that you understand that blogging is a place to grow as a family. you know how much families can argue & disagree, or get offended. :-) we'll just apply grace to each other & move on.
