Sunday, September 25, 2005

No pressure or anything...

One wedding down, two more to go before the end of the year. On Friday I attended the wedding of a friend that I used to work with. It took place just outside of Genoa at Wally's Hot Springs. The wedding itself was not really worth the drive, but of course the fact that I got to see my friend get married was worth it.
The next wedding will be in two weeks, and that one is here in town. This is the one that I've been pretty much immersed in, being that I just recently moved into the house of the bride and have been pretty good friends with her for the last year or so. (Plus there's the fact that Ms. BBoss is the co-Maid of Honor) I think this one will be a lot of fun, though I'll be sad to see her go.
The last wedding of the year will be in December. Actually, it will really be a brief private ceremony in San Diego (which I will not be at being that it's private) followed by a travelling reception. The reception will consist of two weeks of events starting in SD, moving up the coast, and then into Reno. There will be a couple of events in Reno, then the travelling reception will end in Carson City on New Year's Eve with a Masquerade Ball. This is the wedding my suitemate from the dorms, and long time friend. I am of course, also looking forward to this one.
I just found out about the December wedding today, when my friend T and I talked on the phone for the first time in quite a while. It was expected, but still very exciting news. But that would not be the end of the "expected but exciting" news category. The next one, though expected, was still a bit of a shock because I've been waiting for so long. At long last, my baby brother proposed to his girlfriend of five years. My mom was incredibly excited and wanted to call everyone that she knows... Except she doesn't know that many people. Now, here's where the title of the post comes in. After my mom settles down, she turns and looks at me and says, "You're next!" The funny thing is, I'm actually probably the LEAST likely person in my family to be next because pretty much everyone else is at least seeing someone. My mom is a funny woman sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like something my mom would say only not to me cause ... well. ya know i'm married but i have unmarried siblings that conversations like that are frequent with. the womam just wants more gran-babies now that she knows i won't be giving her anymore.
