Sunday, October 02, 2005

Who am I?

There is a topic that has been coming up again and again in my life recently and that is the topic of who I am. It has come up in my quiet times, in my book study group, even on Noel's blog just to name a few. More specifically the subject is who I am in God, as He made me to be as opposed to who I've become/tried to become because I thought I should. Right now I'm still through these things trying to figure out what parts are genuinely me and which are the parts that I added because I thought I should.

So here's how this is going to work: I am going to make a list of three qualities that are genuinely me as I was created by God and three qualities that I have come into because of how I thought I "should" be. Then I'd really like it if other people would share three of each (or just one of each) as well.

"Should be" qualities:
1. I have become someone who cannot say no. When people ask me for favors, I don't say no because I "should be" willing to help and to serve. I realize it is important to help and serve, however it is better to do a few things well rather than a lot of things poorly or unenthusiastically. This is one that God is working on with me, making small changes as needed.
2. I am not good at asking people for help/and or prayer. I've touched on this in previous blog posts and I think the reasoning behind it is that I think that I "should be" close enough to God that I should be able to come to Him alone in my weakest moment and have faith that everything will be okay. I think that I "should be" strong enough and independent and faithful enough to not need someone to go to God for me. This is one that God is also working on in me.
3. I think these all come down to pride. This third one is that I think that because I have a degree and because I'm 26 that I "should be" someplace further in my life--that I "should be" working at a better job, that I "should be" married by now, that I "should be" getting ready to have kids.

Who I am:
1. I am a writer. No matter where I work, no matter how unhappy I am with it, none of it is important. God did not create me to make copies--He just provided me with the job that I might be able to pay the bills. No matter how much I dislike work, I can take comfort in knowing that I am a writer.
2. I am a hard worker. When I make commitments, I do my best to make sure I follow through. Even the things I don't enjoy, that I wish I didn't have to do (making copies), I put my all into.
3. I am a fast learner. I am frequently capable of picking things up without much in the way of explanation. Unless of course it's sewing and then I cause small explosions.

Now it's your turn!


  1. Jeni, I don't know if I've gotten to know you well enough to say three things for sure about you. But from the times I've talked to you, I believe that I can say that you are a sincere, sensitive, caring person, and I believe that God created you to be that way.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. i'm a little confused...did you want us to comment about you...or about us?

  4. I want you to comment about you, not me! :) I want to hear what ya'll think about this in terms of yourselves...

  5. Hey, and jaybird--why did you delete yours? It was good...

  6. i am God's son, a husband, a father, a student with a pretty intense part-time job.

    i know that's the order they're supposed to be in, but i fall into the trap of putting too much emphasis on the third on, i.e. what i do. this is not unique to me, but it is more cultural than we might realize. it's a very american thing to respond to the question of who we are by what we do. i'm struggling with it just as you are.

  7. I misunderstood the question. Oops!

  8. Diga stole my post verbatim, so I'll just say ditto.

  9. the order of things the way god sees me: his daughter, steve's wife, topher & destiny's mom, those are the most important. i am also a decorator, a childcare worker, a friend, & a grandmother to a few.

  10. i should be more things,to more people, all the time.......
    what i am is not capable without Christ but with Him i can accomplish all those things i should be and more. still reminding myself of this one on a daily basis.

  11. "deleted" "deleted" "deleted"

  12. I'm working on this one.

    I should have it all figured out by now i suppose.
