Monday, October 10, 2005

My Confession

You have been around for so long
Drifting in and out of my life
Like a balloon let loose on a windy day
Blowing to and fro, closer and further away.
You never seem to stand still,
Constantly floating away
Until the wind changes, bringing you back to me.
I grasp at a string I cannot reach
Trying to keep you from escaping me yet again
Only to find that you've already gone,
That in fact that you were never in my reach.
I watch the breeze toss you around
Waiting until you're close enough to grab,
Jumping higher each time you pass by,
And still missing every time.
It is time for my confession--
It is time for me to turn and let you go.
I have wasted too much precious time
Watching and waiting for you, just one balloon,
That will never be close enough
And missing all of the others
That may have been within my reach.


  1. not quite boss...laughing gas inside balloon is released...aggressive redhead turns into giddy kitten.

  2. i thought this was a very creative poem. you are so talented.

  3. i believe i know what/who you're talking about. i was wondering how you were taking the news. sorry, jeni that it's been so frustrating.. hang in there & keep your eyes open for a new batch of colorful balloons. :>)
