Sunday, October 30, 2005

The end is near...

The very important thing that I've been needing to do, step one is done. Tomorrow will be step two and it will be on its way. That's all I can say right now.

Because I know this is going to be difficult, and because I was going to do it anyway, I am planning on participating in NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month. What this means is that during the month of November, I am setting the goal of writing 150 pages in 30 days. If you want to know more about this, go to Anyway, I'm hoping that this will serve as a distraction from the painful things in my life. My new roomie suggested that if I complete the task, if I make it to the 150 pages, I should celebrate with my next tattoo. We shall see about that when the time comes.

And for those of you who are praying/waiting for news on the difficult thing, I promise I will tell you more when it happens.


  1. Do you have a topic for your novel? I will definitely be praying for you.

  2. Yeah, I plan of working on the novel that is already in progress, which is a coming to God story about a woman who's a hard-core Social Darwinist and discovers heaven when she's searching for Atlantis...

    I know it sounds kind of weird when I give you the short short version like that, but I promise that it will make sense if I explain it to you. (Okay, maybe not...)

    Oh, and georgia... that thing will be on it's way in the morning...

  3. Actually, now I am interested in reading your novel. The plot sounds very interesting.

    I'll continue to pray.

  4. I don't know if Becky and I are up to reviewing 150 pages! Don't be cuttin' into our time . . . :-)

    Seriously, though, I know you can do it and I'm looking forward to seeing the result.

  5. that is so great jeni, i would love to read it as well.

  6. How about rolling it out on the blog a scene at a, fun, fun...

  7. Jeni, I think Den has a great idea. You should consider it.
