Saturday, October 22, 2005

Who says girls shouldn't talk about baseball?

Okay, so I may not know the most about baseball, and I might generally ignore it and even display disdain for the sport, but that was before my team made the World Series. This is something that hasn't happened in my lifetime, so now it's different. I still don't agree with what pro athletes are paid, but I'm setting that aside because I want to watch the White Sox win the World Series. As a kid I wanted to go watch the White Sox play in Oakland so that I could watch my favorite team kick my least favorite team's butt. Sounds silly, especially now as I realize I'd probably get beat up for doing such a thing in Oakland, but the point is that even though I don't watch baseball all the time, I have stayed loyal to my team. And since my comments regarding the White Sox have been disallowed from certain peoples' blogs (You know who you are, Noel) I will just make this entire post here.



  1. way to protest jeni!! i am happy for you and your team and i would be bitter but not since last year. i know what it's like to want your team to win for a very, very long time.

  2. girls don't know baseball, do they?

  3. Ewww!!! Browns? I remember when I was younger my brother called them the Cleveland Brownstains.

    Personally, I favor watching soccer... And it's a World Cup year next year! Hoorah!

  4. yes jay some girls do know baseball. i certainly do not know alot about baseball but what i know i like!!
    jeni are you watchin tonight. oh wait a minute.... did you skip out on babysittin tonight to watch the series. oooohhh busted!!!
    well, i am sure that you were legitamately illin ,but even if you were not, last year...ahem... when the bo sox were in the series, umm... i was not at youth. shhhh don't tell!!

  5. Yeah, Noel! I only wish that was the reason I wasn't there! UGH! Anywho, I didn't actually even know the game was on until I decided that I wanted to watch the Simpsons and lo and behold, no SIMPSONS... Only baseball... But of course I would've rather been there with the kiddies than feeling like I got hit by a bus... (I'm just imagining because I've never actually been hit by a bus.)
    By the way, I think my goal for this comment is to make it as long as if not longer than the original post. How am I doing? I don't think it's quite long enough yet. And if you think I'm talking crazy... this is what happens when I'm cooped up in my house alone for two days. So now that I am back to being fully capable of sitting up long enough to use my computer, I intend to take full advantage of it by posting long rambling comments on my own post... If you read this far, good job! If not, you're a wuss...

  6. well, i am glad you are sitting up!!
