Friday, October 21, 2005

Out of respect to Mr. H:

I am not going to post another really long response to his post. I feel as though we are taking over a bit. So here's my own post continuing the conversation/going off a bit.
I have to partially disagree and say that watching tv shows like Earl and developing a "feels okay to me" complex are not the only reasons why people view Christians as closed minded and rigid. Sometimes it's because some of us ARE closed-minded and rigid. I won't deny that I occasionally have such moments, as I'm sure we all do. I would say that most Christians, at least sometimes because we are sinful, speak the truth as a weapon or a threat rather than in love, and this is why some people view Christians as closed-minded and rigid. It is one thing to tell a friend/acquaintance that you are concerned for them because of how they are living their life. It is another entirely to flat out refuse to speak to someone because of their "sexual orientation" or different beliefs other than to tell them that what they are doing is wrong and they are going to hell. I have met Christians like that and I have to say, they may be a larger part of the reason people view us as "rigid and closed-minded." Don't get me wrong... I'm not trying to condemn them because I know that there are people that I, as a Christian, have also hurt and wronged.
I suppose all I'm really trying to say is while I/we may not agree with something that someone does, I prefer to follow the addage "love the sinner, hate the sin." I want to love the people in my life regardless of what they choose to watch/wear/eat/do. That does not mean that I support them in said actions and it does not mean that I will not speak the truth to them. But it does mean that I choose to love them no matter what because that is the example God has set for us. We can speak truth to them all we want, but the final judgment is God's to make. Also, how many times have we heard that condemnation is the tool of Satan? Calling someone out or speaking truth into their lives is one thing, but condemning one another is NEVER okay. Okay, now that I've got that all out... *Sighs*
Hope ya'll are having a lovely day!


  1. I can't disagree with anything you said, Jeni. My concern is when non-Christians tell us that we have no right to hold an opinion about right or wrong, or when Christians adapt relativism in their own lifestyles. But you are right that many Christians have driven people away from the church by their harshness.

  2. i agree with what you said, jeni. i think the issue at hand with the earl discussion was what we are willing to allow and tolerate in our own lives, because that is where we are responsible for what goes on - not the lives of others.

    and i have no problem with people who are concerned about what i watch or listen to when i know it's done in the right spirit.

  3. jeni- you are so great. tv is one of those personal conviction areas that we all have to take before the Lord personally. sometimes i am very convicted personally by what i've been watching or spending my time on but that doesn't mean that's where everybody should draw the line. earl is a dumb and dumber type show that at times is very funny and other times crued. i know why dave was puttin it out there to see others feelings cause i think at first we were all thinking it was gonna be a good one but it doesn't take long before these kinda shows disappoint and cause you to take a second look.
    i also know what you are saying about being a rigid christian that is not loving. there is a difference between that and one who is convicted but still loving. i am thankful for the latter.

  4. strong words, jeni. i don't think anyone was "condemning" mr. h

    if one feels "convicted" while hearing a truth- that is on them. if they don't- that is one them. nonetheless, people can't refrain from speaking the truth, because it may be taken the wrong way. i also think that presentation is 90% of a truth (loving, kind, etc..) i see how you got heated w/ this, but i don't see that anyone was "condemning" anyone. i just saw some opinions & heart-felt viewpoints. holiness does not equal legalism/condemnation. enabling/rationalizing does not equal grace. truth is truth no matter the subject or culture. sounds hard & almost judgemental, but it's not- it's truth.

    i definitely like your "fire". you have a HUGE heart. thanks for being my friend.
