Thursday, October 20, 2005

Help Wanted

I need some help of the computer-nerdery variety. I am trying to pay my student loan online. I have accessed the website before, but I think it was on my brother's computer. My mom can access the site on her computer. But on my computer for some reason it goes to the randomly selected search engine and says the page cannot be found. Any suggestions on what is causing this and how I can fix it would be greatly appreciated...


  1. are you trying to access the site by clicking on the page that the search engine turns up or by typing in the url?

  2. Yeah, forget all of that... I think the router for my internet connection has a firewall because I had the same problem when I tried to order checks. I do know to double/triple/quadruple check the address. It was just weird 'cuz it came up at my mom's house. Oh well. I will just do those things later.
