Monday, October 17, 2005

All about the apple...

Now, as much as the title sounds like it could be a post about Adam and Eve, I will quickly kill the rumor that I may be posting anything intellectually stimulating today. The real reason I am posting is because my belly is filled with an incredibly good piece of apple pie that my mother made this morning. It is made from apples that we purchased at Apple Hill yesterday. I also purchased a bottle of probably the best champagne I've tasted in my life to be used for Mrs. Salty's official send-off this weekend. I am looking forward to drinking it and perhaps eating some apples with it!
And now I am considering going to bed. I'm wondering if I'm coming down with something because I've been going to bed REALLY early (for me) for the last week, and I've been taking naps in the afternoons after work and I'm still tired. Ugh! Down with cold and flu season. Oh well, at least my bed is warm and cozy, and at least I'm enjoying it because I need the rest and not because I'm mopey and depressed! :)
Well, now that I have posted about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING I will head for bed to sleep for what will most certainly be "not long enough" when I wake up.


  1. i love posts about nothingness. it makes me feel better when i do the same.

  2. i feel so warm & fuzzy now. where's my flannel jammies?

  3. hill, i want apple pie from apple hill apples. no fair. do i sound like i've been hangin around whiny kids??

  4. i've been thinking of apple pie all morning, not to mention that mindy just put in a apple-cin glade plug-in- in.
