Saturday, October 15, 2005

Just so I don't forget:

I want to use this line later. Perhaps I will post the finished product.

I have watched you drift away until you were
but a speck in the distance.
I have watched you travel with other ships
but still I stay transfixed, waiting for you to return.


  1. great lyrics, ever thought of writing songs jen??

  2. Not if I beat you to it and use it first, Jen! Okay, just kidding.

  3. Noel, yes I actually have written a few songs (but I can't write music...) and I actually posted one on an earlier post...

    Plucky--All I have to say is GRRRRRR

  4. hopelessly devoted

  5. I like your new colors.

  6. And what's this? Jaybird is now posting as Olivia Newton John?

  7. Jeni, I won't be able to come to small group Saturday. Sue and I are participating in John and Sherry's marriage workshop Friday night and Saturday morning.

    Can we just regroup the next week so I can participate in reviewing Becky's chapter?

    Let me know if that's okay. Thank!

  8. sorry for the Grease moment. seriously, i had been watching a Grease marathon w/ min & had an epiphany: if i ever get captured & the enemy wants info.- all they'd have to do is make me watch Grease, Grease 2, & sat. night fever. i'd tell them everything. i love you, min. :)

  9. Why would you want to post anonymously? Are you going to harass me?
