Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My Christmas card

Despite the fact that I generally don't like the way I look in pictures, I had my roommate take pictures of me with my cat so that I could use one for my Christmas card. Smokey was just like a little kid--he didn't behave the whole time we were trying to take pictures. He kept squirming and getting distracted and looking in every direction but the camera. My roommate then proceeded to joke that she didn't think pet photography was for her. At any rate, here is the end result:


  1. That is a great picture of you both!

  2. great picture, jeni. you may want to consider the high level of cruelty involved in putting a bow on a cat. ;-)

  3. jeni- your cat does kinda look a lil persnikity!! way cute though!!
    thanks for sharing.

  4. why does your cat's nose match your sweater?

  5. ...I love the way you managed to still smile while your cat's claws were firmly planted in your upper leg...

    great picture!!!

    (how about the out-takes?)
