Saturday, December 10, 2005


It was easier to be numb. When I was angry and thought he didn't care, I was numb. I had a protective coating of frost protecting my heart. I had embraced the numbness the way one who'd injured themselves would embrace an ice pack. The anger and indifference was my icepack. But the truth has come out, melting the layer of protective frost, leaving me open to pain once more. I have up until this point learned to go on through the pain, by making it numb, but now it's time to see the good doctor, Jesus, and have it healed. I have gone a month, and I will go on for much longer. I am a much stronger woman than I used to be and I have only God to thank for that. Now it is time for more strength. It would be so easy to give in--to break down and cry--or to try to put things back the way they used to be. But God wants my whole heart, and He can't have it if I've given part of it away. I can wish all I want that this had gone the other way, that my life had become a romantic comedy complete with the happy ever after. Wishing will not change the fact that I'm the only one who wants that ending. My life is not a romantic comedy and it never will be. My life is a testament of God's love and strength. I choose to be joyful despite the pain... I choose to love despite the risks.


  1. I'm praying for you, Jeni.

  2. Back in the day I loved to lay in the dark and listen to Pink Floyd sing "Comfortably Numb." Good writing Jeni . . .

    By the way, I think if my life were a romantic comedy it would be Dumb and Dumber.

    What romantic comedy would your life be Jeni? Georgia? Anyone else?

  3. Spiderman 2, but that's not a romantic comedy. And Spiderman would have to be Spiderwoman. :)

  4. Plucky, I'd have to say Love Actually because it's more realistic than most romantic comedies. It tells several stories that are interweaved, but they don't all end happily (as is the reality of life).

  5. ...Princess Bride...the firm belief in the power of "true love" to overcome any obstacles and all reality...

  6. he'll be coming around the mountain when he comes.... he'll be coming around the mountain when he comes..... repeat over & over again...

  7. Thanks for that, jaybird. No, really...
