Sunday, January 15, 2006

Confessions of a Bibliophile

I have an addiction... I have enough books to fill up 3 bookshelves and then some. I probably read close to 100 books in a year. I am a bibliophile.

Here are the books I've completed so far in 2006:
*The Book of Joe by Jonathan Tropper
*Diary by Chuck Palahniuk
*The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
*Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk
And I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I'm not sure what...

Here are the books I have in progress, some of which I started quite a while ago and only read a couple of chapters a week:
*American Jesus by Stephen Prothero (my current pleasure reading book)
*When Wallflowers Dance by Angela Thomas
*Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott (for Monday night book study)
*The Bridesmaid's Handbook by Kathy Passero ('cuz I'm my brother's fiance's co-maid of honor)
*My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (Duh! For daily devotions)
*Some fatty book on how to use the computer program InDesign
*Some Shape magazine fitness book

And here are the books that are on deck to be started and/or finished soon, or to be used soon:
*Living Whole Without a Better Half by Wendy Widder (after I finish When Wallflowers Dance)
*Travelling Mercies by Anne Lamott (pleasure)
*Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes (pleasure)
*Life of Pi by Yann Martel (pleasure)
*Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life by Amy Krouse Rosenthal (pleasure)
*Paradise Lost by John Milton (I shall attempt this... for pleasure...)
*Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott (for my small group)
*The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) by Jill Badonsky (for a writing class)
*The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown (for Monday night book study... to see what's up with that...)
*The Bridesmaid Guide by Kate Chynoweth

Needless to say, reading is a very important part of my life. If you'd like to place bets on how long it takes me to finish all of these books, you can contact me at 1-800... ....
It probably won't be long before the pleasure books are done-- I may need to pay a visit to the library to avoid buying more books to contribute to my library.
And now to go read some more, and all will be right with the world. I am such a nerd! :D


  1. Your book list sounds like mine, length-wise. Just different titles. :)

  2. paradise lost is great! i watched about 5 minutes of the movie "under the tuscan sun" and even assuming it is the worst book-to-movie adaptation ever, i don't think i would read it.

    noel is right. i'm reading "dune" by frank herbert right now. not much is as nerdy as that.

  3. oh yeah, and how was "lullaby"? i was thinking about reading that.

  4. Lullaby was not as good as Diary in my opinion, but still good. If you want you can borrow it after my co-worker gets done... I want to read Choke also, because I really like his style.
    I liked the movie of Under the Tuscan Sun, though I'm not sure that it was really so much because of the writing as it was because of the cinematography... That's why I'm going to read the book...

  5. wow - you have a bunch of books in progress. I have to read one at a time - I just can't read more than more (for pleasure) at a time. Not like you need any more suggestions...but I just finished the Yada Yada Prayer group books and they are GREAT!!!

  6. Thanks,Stephanie... I can always use suggestions... :)
