Friday, January 13, 2006

The music I grew up with...

So, it seems that I stirred up some good stuff when I said WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL about the Beatles-- From those who think that it's because I'm "too young" to get it (despite my being only a couple of years younger than the originator of that comment) to those who think it's just because I just have bad taste in music... It's all very entertaining to see what kind of things people will think about a person they know little about because of his/her taste in music. But now I'll have a little bit more of my say, here on my own blog, just because I can.
First, a little bit about the music I grew up with. I listened to what my parents' listened to. I had the choice to listen to what I wanted, but I liked "the Oldies" that my parents listened to. Many artists who PRECEDED the Beatles. I've listened to Buddy Holly and Elvis and Johnny Cash my whole life. I am not just a dumb blonde who likes the pop stars who are in one day and out the next. There were times when I did listen to crappy pop music/boy bands, but it wasn't really because I liked their music so much as because my friends liked it. Stupid reason, I know, but I did it, and I won't deny it. These days, I listen to almost anything, except for rap and teeny-bopper pop--and even there, there are exceptions. Jazz, country, metal, industrial, classical--I like them all. But the music that's always stayed with me is that of the late 50's and early 60's that my parents always had playing.
So here's what I'm going to say, assuming Brent does not come after me for trademark infringement for copying his style:
The Everly Brothers were BETTER than the Beatles!
The late 50's/early 60's were BETTER than the late 60's/early 70's!!!

So now that that's said, I can't wait to hear/read what ya'll have to say about that. I bet it's not at all the angle one would have expected from me! ;) *maniacal laughter ensues*


  1. ...Hello emptiness
    I feel like I could die-ie...

    did you know the Everly Brothers had a hit record called "Poor Jenny"...?

  2. Yes, I did... And the lyrics are awful... In fact, I could probably write better lyrics, but still catchy... Perhaps it would be better for me to say:
    Elvis is better than John Lennon...
    How many more things can I come up with to infuriate people? He he he...

  3. Elvis was way cuter than John Lennon (before he got fat), but I think I like John's songs better. Even though I did listen to lots of Elvis growing up. And the Supremes, Little Stevie Wonder, the Four Seasons, anything MoTown, the Beach Boys, etc. But I like the early 70's too. I loved Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Fleetwood Mac, Jeff Beck, the Turtles, Cream, blah blah blah... I don't know if I could pick. But I hate listening to oldie stations too much. There were lots of bad songs back then as well!

  4. I don't think anyone has mentioned Pink Floyd in all of this. They were one of my all time favorites. (Originality, ahead of their time, interesting lyrics, longevity of sales, especially Dark Side of the Moon.)

    Go get 'em, Jeni!

  5. Hey plucky, how about this one, then:
    He he he... I'm such a jerk sometimes...

  6. The Who was better than the What or the Why...

  7. Den, I think you had owls on the mind with that one . . .

  8. i will dismiss the everly brothers statement as an attempt to get comments. it appears as though you are all catching on to my game. i still stand by my statement on the age thing - this post still reflects a slight lack of perspective of the importance of the beatles, whether or not you especially like their music.

    i won't go after you for infringement, i appreciate that my style has influenced your posts (much like pretty much all popular and rock music post-1965 is influenced by beatles and beach boys). i will also say that the late 50's and early 60's were mostly drek, with a few notable exceptions listed in this post.

  9. Hey, I have no problem with the Beach Boys... I would pay money for their albums... You did notice that I said that the Everly brother's lyrics were awful, right?

  10. Maybe we could spin off a similar but related theme: Books that are better than the movies (Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, etc.)

  11. Only one problem, Georgia... You'd be hard-pressed to find a book that's NOT better than the movie... Then again, I may be biased.

    Of course, when it comes to anything by Nicholas Sparks, the movie is always better. But he's the exception, not the rule.

  12. the late '50's & early '60's were when the Beatles formed, developed, & broke out. then came the copy cats.

  13. the late '50's & early '60's were when the Beatles formed, developed, & broke out. then came the copy cats.

  14. thompson twins & duran duran
