Saturday, January 28, 2006

How geeky does this make me?

So, this is my first attempt at a semi-custom blog layout. It was a pain in the butt, but once I figured out exactly how to do it, it got faster. Please let me know what you think--like, dislike, indifferent, etc. I might take your suggestions, and I might ignore them, depending on how I feel. It took a long time 'cuz I'm not exactly a computer whiz, and so I might just let it be. Anyway, let me know what you think!


  1. On my computer screen, I can't see the "uill" part of "Quill." It's spilling off the right side of my screen for some reason.

    I like the fonts you've used.

    Red and Black aren't my favorite combinations; I find them a bit harsh on the eyes, but they do look stylish. :)

    But now you will have to share your expertise.

  2. I admire that you learned to customize your blog, which is something I struggle with. I like the font and the way you did the title, but I don't like the black background.

  3. i like it. really i do. i like it alot. black backrounds are one of my favs they are so striking.

  4. you're a computer geek, sister!

  5. i like it too. i have been trying to get topher to help design a custom page, but he is busy with his geek stuff.

  6. Debi----I promise you that having Topher custom design your page is a much better idea than trying to figure it out yourself... :)

  7. I really like this Jeni, especially the black background.

  8. You mock me, plucky! :D

  9. i like it! something different - i'm going to have to try it on mine (shudder)
