Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Small Group Writing Assignment

This is mostly for plucky and bboss, but anyone else who is interested is more than welcome to try it and post their results in my comments.

My Condiments to the Chef
Write a poem or short story using the following words:
Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Pickle, Mustard, Hot Peppers, Relish, Soy Sauce
Start your piece with the line:
His taste in women was...


  1. I make no pretense of being a poet, but even so, I was inspired by your assignment.

    His taste in women was fickle
    Akin to his taste in food
    Some days he’d want just a pickle
    Some, he’d just change his mood.

    He courted the ladies with relish
    Which he thought would made him quite hot
    But like his strange taste in hamburgers
    His fickleness made him quite not

    When he went out to dine, he took too much time
    Choosing the spread for his plate
    Ketchup, mustard, or mayonnaise
    Made eating become such a grind

    To make the right choice was such a hard task
    That hot peppers or soy sauce left him aghast
    So what could he do when faced with the view
    Of a different, more beautiful face?

  2. Hey, Georgia, that was great! Good job! Those kind of writing assignments are fun.

  3. ...I'm still trying to rhyme orange.

  4. Funny denden... But you could make it a slant rhyme and use something like "scavenge". That would be if you were serious of course, which I know you're not...
