Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Cleaning or Writing?

I am on vacation this week. I had intended to spend my vacation writing, and getting a little bit of cleaning done. But right now, I'm feeling like the cleaning is the more important aspect of my week. I need to make my space into something functional that I can keep up so that I will enjoy being here and therefore be able to write here. But later, I may take a break from cleaning and go to Starbucks or something to write. And at some point during all of this, I have to take some time to go running at the Marina and check on Russ & Becca's cats and make some phone calls. (Russ is my bro.) So I guess what I'm doing right now is creating a virtual to-do list. I'd really like to be able to write 50 pages again this vacation, but I'm feeling like taking care of myself and my environment is more important right now. We'll see what happens with that. :)


  1. Hopefully, you'll get a little bit of everything done and a lot of relaxing in the meantime. Starbucks sounds good....

  2. just put some coffee in your water-bottle, go running, & voice-record your story onto your blog. multi-tasking baby- that's the ticket.

  3. Hope your vacation is going well. Just wanted you to know I stopped by you blog.
