Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tales from Vacation

So, as predicted, I have not yet written anything, but as previously mentioned, I decided that the cleaning process and resting in general was more important. The good news is that the cleaning is almost done. I just have a few loads of laundry to do and put away and I'll be set. Everything is FINALLY unpacked. (Only took me 7 months!) I have slept more than any human should, but mostly because I have somehow re-acquired the cold of doom and I need/want it to go away by the weekend... GRRR. Then again, it could be allergies with the spring weather kicking in and increased time spent around the cats. (Yes, I am allergic to cats... :oD)
I will be happy to hopefully have some time tomorrow to start writing, maybe get an outline going on my corkboard. Yeah!

On another note, for anyone who's participating in my small group/blog group/whatever you want to call it, I posted a short short story and a new exercise for anyone who's up for the challenge.


  1. And a lovely time was had by Jeni. :)

  2. corkboard?? wierd.. but i guess i have my wierd things too.. anyway.. glad you had a good vacay! (jealous grumbling inserted here) And no, there's not a phonebook over here.. k bye!
