Thursday, April 20, 2006

More fun with the Evil K

Monday night, I was looking through an old New York Times that was laying on the floor in the living room, and I found a typo. That was the highlight of my day. I know, pretty sad. I am aware how completely and totally geeky that makes me. And that is not what this post is about. This post is about work.
I know I almost never write about work, but today, I shall. There's a bunch of crazy weird stuff going on. We have two people who put in their two weeks notice this week. It won't be that big of a deal, because they really aren't the best workers in the world, but since they both work swing shift in self serve, it kind of leaves us in a pickle. There are also other complicated situations that have arisen that I can't really talk about because there are a couple of people from work who could be reading this. UGH. Anyway, the point is, work sucks right now because there are a lot of things that are kind of up in the air for me right now. I just wanted to get that out.
Aside from work, everything else is okay. I'm not entirely convinced that what I ran this weekend/today was actually three miles because it only took me 25 minutes today, and I walked part of it. So I think it may have been less... I don't know. My cat still likes me most of the time, so that's a good thing. I am running a pre-5K 5K this Saturday, because I can, for the "Run 4 Life." After that, I am going to visit my sister in Falabama. Not particularly looking forward to that trip for a few reasons, most having to do with the fact that it's FALABAMA!!! The following Saturday is Walk America for work, and then we all know what happens the weekend after that! AHHHHHHH!!
Okay, so now that I have given an update on my life, just so that nobody thinks I fell off the edge of the earth (since it's flat and all), I have nothing else to say. My life is rather boring (in a good way).


  1. hope work smooths out for ya. you probably fit into fallabama as much as i do. :>)

  2. I was here. I hope you're having a great weekend!
