Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Have I mentioned?

My dreams sometimes freak me out. Additionally they also frequently annoy me-- in the "what the heck was that supposed to mean" sort of way, or the "that would never happen" sort of way.

The "what the heck was that supposed to mean" ones generally leave me feeling confused, or disoriented. They make me wonder if things I thought were true are really not true, or they make me think that something that I really desire may eventually come true. Inevitably, this happens as soon as I've come to terms with the fact/thought/made up ideal that I'm holding on to an unrealistic dream.

The "that would never happen" dreams just leave me irritated because I feel like they have no meaning, no substance. They usually consist of people from different parts of my life being in the same place. For example, people from church and people from work, all living together in one house, working for a church that is functioning as a corporation... Or people from church sending updates on church events to the evilK e-mail, and everyone at work acting as though this is important information for them to know. Now that I type them here, they seem to make more sense, but still... What's with my mixing people up? It's not like I make an effort to separate the people at work from the people at church--maybe it's just like everyone is just one GREAT BIG part of my family.

Sorry for the random post on dreams... I thought it was just going to be a quick thought. Oh well--It's not like it's any surprise to anyone that I am longwinded... :)


  1. phew..... you need to break your posts into smaller segments. :>0

    as you probably already know, dreams have 2-3 different sources. the fun part is when God communicates to us in them.

  2. jaybird- :p to the smaller post idea... and as far as God speaking to us in dreams, because I know it happens, I find myself picking the ones I want him to be speaking to me through... And you know exactly which ones they are.

    rose-welcome to the blogging world! I definitely think it could have something to do with reading in Job! :)

  3. Worlds colliding, Jeni, worlds colliding . . . dogs and cats, living together . . .

  4. i don't ever remember mine, hardly ever and when i do they are always wierd, don't make sense, and freak me out as yours did.
    i always just chalk those really wierd ones up to eating taco bell the night before.

  5. i just had one of those strange 'what in the heck does that mean' dreams last night!! crazy!!
