Friday, April 07, 2006

A Perfect Pairing

It was June of 2004 when I met the main guy in my life. It was a sweltering day, and naturally I was outside. I had stumbled out of bed early that morning to help my roommate set up for the Reno Mustang Car Club's summer car show. I was in charge of getting the people who had pre-registered all signed in. It was quite a busy morning, but by afternoon, there was nothing left for me to do but hang out and have a good time.
I wandered around the lot checking out all of the cars (and their owners of course, on the off chance that one WASN'T middle-aged) and all of the vendor booths. The vendor booths seemed far more lucrative than the cars. The Humane Society adopt-a-pet van turned out to be the best booth of them all. Right when I walked in, his round green eyes caught mine, and I knew right away that he was the one for me. As I drew closer, it was obvious that the affection was not one-sided, and that he was eager to be mine.
I didn't want to make any rash decisions, so I went back to the table and discussed the situation with my roommate. She agreed that we should check out the situation with him. We headed back to the van and stepped inside. By this time, there were other people checking out my guy. I found myself getting really jealous, and I had to step outside and pray that to God that no one would snatch this guy away from me. I could tell that he didn't really like any of the others as much as he liked me, and so I was still hopeful.

And the rest is history. Smokey came home with me that night. Since that point he has been my prime source of cuddling and the inspiration for many photographs.


  1. Your Christmas photo was great!

  2. You did find a way to write a couples story. Good job!

  3. how cruel... to name your pet after a habit that kills...

  4. Good thing I didn't name him then... Remember, he is adopted, and therefore already named when I found him. My next cat, assuming it's a boy, will be named Walt Whitman.

  5. very cute. funny how we choose our pets or maybe it's the other way around.
