Friday, April 28, 2006


I have recently come to realize that I have a tendency to overshare. I don't recognize it in the moment that it's happening, but as soon as I walk away from the conversation, I think to myself Oh my goodness... What was I thinking? Why did I tell them all of that. I don't do it with people I've just met, but once I feel fully comfortable around a person, I just randomly start blurting out whatever comes to my mind. And later, I realize that the person I'd been talking to is probably thinking one of two things: either why is she telling me this or I never realized how crazy she was until she started talking or possibly both. :) So, if you happen to be reading this, and my oversharing has annoyed you/freaked you out/left you puzzled, please consider this my personal apology. HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!!!


  1. You no annoy me/freak me out/leave me puzzled.

  2. you don't annoy me or freak me out. i leave almost every intrapersonal conversation with some level of puzzlement/anxiety so i don't think that's your issue.

  3. ...the more you share, the better it gets...I like hearing what's on your mind...tho I have the same tendency to open up freely, and then wonder, "why did I do that?"...

  4. keep sharing jeni. i like hearing from you (no matter how you're feeling or what you share). sometimes we talk & sometimes we listen. keep sharing, jeni- you are incredibly valuable to this community.

  5. i know exactly what you are talking about. i do this alot, in fact it keeps me up at night(literally) i replay almost every conversation that i had through out the day.
    so no need to apologize here. i love hearing what you have to say.
