Sunday, April 30, 2006

Wishing and Hoping and Thinking and Praying

A couple weeks ago (Easter weekend), I read a book that is the first in a series of fiction novellas based on the influential women in the line of Jesus. It is called Unveiled, and is based on the life of Tamar, daughter-in-law of Judah, mother of Perez and Zerah(Genesis 38). The story is told from Tamar's perspective, and the angle is one of undying hope. When Tamar was taken as Er's wife, he treated her poorly, and God took Er's life. Then she was given to Onan, that he might give her children and further the line of Judah. But Onan was stubborn and refused to produce a child that would be considered Er's, and so God took him also. Tamar was sent back to live as a widow with her father's family with the promise that Judah would send for her as soon as Shelah was mature enough to have children.
At any rate, during this period of time in the fictional story, Tamar was portrayed as having an undying confidence that she would one day be the one to further the line of Judah. And eventually she did, though she had to resort to trickery to get to that point because she knew what she was entitled to.
The real question here is, what is the cost of holding onto hope, of believing in something that nobody else believes in, and how long can it last? How can we know whether the nudgings of our hearts are really from God, as they were for Tamar?


  1. If it's not something that is clearly addressed in scripture, then time provides the answer to your question. The fruit of patience comes into play. Tamar waited a long time to have those children.

  2. Not fair, Georgia, for you to make the first comment since you know EXACTLY what I am talking about! :) Ha ha!

  3. he's comin' around the mountain when he comes.....

  4. I don't know what you're talking about, jaybird! GRRRRRR.

  5. Will he be riding six white horses when he comes?

  6. ha ha ha ha. Ya'll are SO funny.

    Now can anyone give me a SERIOUS answer?
    (Besides Georgia--thank you Georgia!)

    :p I know, I shouldn't expect it with this crowd.

  7. As I'm an expert on my own opinion I never mind commenting, but Georgia nailed it and I have nothing intelligent to add.

    Too bad you can't ask Noah . . . I bet he would have an interesting take on your question.

  8. first why is there a handicapped sign after your word verification?
    second- i remember having a time when i thought God was telling me something and it turned out to be way off base. i was left embarassed and confused for a long time but now i have begun to see somewhat the reasons behind my wrong turn. i would love to share more with you about this but not here.
