Thursday, June 15, 2006

In case anyone had any doubts:

I love my cat. When I need to take pictures for any event, I finish up the roll with pictures of the cats in my life. Here are a couple of the most recent pictures.

My exceedingly adorable and lovable Smokey:

And my roommate's rather disgruntled (and recently shaved) cat Spooky:


  1. If my owner did that to me, I'd be quite disgruntled too. Poor Spooky. Why the persecution?

  2. Um, not so much... He's always been disgruntled, even before the shaving... He's just an ill-mannered cat.

    And really, the shaving needed to be done... His fur was really matted when my roomie got him.

  3. man! he is spooky.

  4. I thought maybe she was just giving him a summer haircut. But yes, that is the best way to cure a case of the mats.

  5. Spooky's got his party on!

  6. spooky looks spooky that way! post some more pics when his hair it longer please :)

  7. oh boy, spooky does look spooky, but smokey very cute.
