Monday, June 19, 2006

This one's for the geeks

Okay, so who knew? It seems that Douglas Adams may have unintentionally done a bit of evangelizing... Sounds ridiculous, right? Hear me out:
Okay, so the answer to life, the universe & everything is 42, right?
There were 42 generations in the geneology of Jesus given in Matthew, chapter one, from the covenant with Abraham to the birth of Jesus.
Therefore (which we already know) Jesus is the answer to life, the universe and everything.


Alright, so maybe I'm a little too geeky for my own darn good.


  1. Aren't there also 42 characters in the Elvish alphabet? Weird!

    Plus! (Follow along closely) There are 3 persons in the Godhead and 7 gifts of the Spirit. 3x7=21.
    Jesus rose on the 3rd day and there are 7 fruits of the Spirit. 3x7 again = 21.

    Now here's the killer. 21+21=42.



  2. Dennis was 21 when we got married.

    21 + 21 = 42 and I used to be 42!

  3. oh moses love's number trivia i will have to tell him this one.

  4. man. what a geeky crowd. what's wrong w/you people?

  5. Are you calling me a geek? :)

  6. I think you admitted to your geekiness by replying to a post titled "This one's for the geeks."
