Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A little bit rough, but...


Sitting here in the darkness
Surrounded by the rubble
Of what used to be my life
A shattered friendship to my left
And my dreams lie crumpled
And tossed aside to my right.
I used to know what I wanted
But somehow that changed
And I don’t seem to even
Know myself anymore.
I used to have passion
But it’s been lost along the way
I used to believe in love
But now I’m not so sure
Can’t anyone help me
Find the person I used to be--
The one who had hope
That good things really do happen
The girl who believed
Her dreams would come true



  1. When circumstances seem negative, I find it helps to hold on to the promises of God as the ultimate source of truth about reality--in spite of how things seem.

    Surely goodness and mercy follow Jeni.

    God has plans for Jeni's life--plans for good, plans to prosper you and to give you a future and a hope.

    We walk by faith and not by sight.

    That is the truth. You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

  2. The poem reminded me of when I was young and depressed, sitting in the dark listening to Pink Floyd's "The Wall" at full volume(I have become comfortably numb).

    I like what Georgia had to say so I'll just sign off with this thought;

    You sure write good poems . . .

  3. I stand with you as you work through this. New chapters are being written- chapters that far exceed your expectations.
