Friday, September 08, 2006

How Many Hours?

*How many hours does it take to wind down from a thirteen and a half hour shift at the Evil K? This is an experiment that I am in the middle of right now. I have been home for one hour. I tried going to bed, but I can't fall asleep yet. On the positive side, I already have 6 extra hours for the pay period, and I still have my Sunday shift left, which will be 4 1/2 to 5 hours. So, the extra ten or eleven hours will more than pay for my birthday present to myself, which ya'll will see on September 17th.
*How many hours of sleep will I get before my friend from work calls me to go to breakfast? I told said friend that I wanted to go, but will I really want to go when the time comes in the morning?
*How many hours will it take me to paint 25-30 wine glasses with grapes and vines using a stencil. Hopefully, not more than four or five, because there is much more shower preparation to do.
*How many hours are on a clock with thirteen hands?
*How many (shopping) hours left until Christmas?
*How many hours will I have to work next week before my five day weekend for my birthday?
*How many hours to practice my pirate voice?

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