Monday, September 18, 2006

On showers and birthdays!

Today is day four of my five day weekend and I'm getting some rest AT LAST!
The bridal shower is done and over with. A good time was had by all, and the bride was almost in tears because she was so happy with it. This is saying a lot because the only other time I've seen her cry was when her aunt died. So, I guess all of the hard work paid off--but I'm still glad that it's done and over with. Today was a day for relaxing and doing my own thing since all of my weekends for the last month have consisted of shower planning.
The day started out at around 10:30 am. I brought some leftover food to my co-workers and then I had lunch at Boston Market. After that I went home and finished filling out a job application and then I went to get my birthday present (Tattoo #3! YAY!). I have been planning this birthday present for myself for the last year and a half, so it was very exciting to finally get it. Now I am at home waiting for Becca to call when she gets off work so I can go to the apartment for dinner. Tonight is the night that Smokey meets Soot. Soot is Russ and Becca's kitten. We're trying to get them used to each other so that I can bring Smokey over to stay the whole week while Russ and Becca are on their honeymoon.
Tomorrow is the last day of my five day weekend, but fear not, there shall be plenty more fun. I am conspiring with my dad on a birthday dinner for my mom. She is not expecting this, because we already planned birthday dinner for next weekend. Anyway, it's time for me to go rest! :)

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