Friday, September 29, 2006

Opportunities Abound

Things have not been going well at work. This is not a surprise to anyone. I knew when I made the decision to work swing shift that it wasn't going to work. I tried to force it because of the money (always a stupid reason to make a decision) but it's just not happening. I am grateful for it anyhow because of the opportunities that I've had working on swing shift. I've made even more Evil K friends, and I've been able to attend a morning small group. Additionally, I've been propositioned by the Kit Kat Ranch, as well as several customers (always an adventure at the Evil K!). But most exciting is this: One of my co-workers is involved with the making of an independent film and because of that, I have been asked to edit their screenplay for pay. They'll pay me $100 up front and 1% of what the movie makes. Even if it makes nothing, it's still my first opportunity to be paid for doing something I enjoy.
And now, a new opportunity is arising: Next Wednesday I have a job interview and computer test at 9:00 am. The job is a M-F, 8-5 sort of job with weekends and holidays off and fully paid insurance. If I got the job, it would be a wonderful blessing. It would be something that I've been praying for and some of you have been praying for on my behalf. I am extremely nervous, not only about the interview, but about leaving a job that I've been at for 5+ years for something new. Please pray for me that the interview and computer test go well!


  1. I'll pray for you! Let us know how it turns out...

  2. i'll be praying. i expect an update wednesday :-)

  3. When can you tell us who you're interviewing with?

  4. I'll pray about this one too, and I like the idea of an update . . .

    How was SF?

  5. I'll be praying. I like how God will often provide more than 1 option. Enjoy. :>)

  6. So, can we have an update about your job situation? believing for the best for you. Jen
