Friday, October 06, 2006

Would it change a thing?

I had my interview and computer test on Wednesday. The computer test, I believe, went pretty well. But the interview, I really can't be sure. I was nervous and I'm pretty sure it showed... I struggle so much with confidence--I'm always sure that people won't like me. I hate this about myself, and I'm pretty sure that other people can tell. I have been better about this recently--I have been reaching out to people, being myself, being sure that they will like me. But now that I find myself desperate, I have no confidence at all. Right now I feel certain that they will choose someone else--after all, how can they believe that I'm the right person for the job, if I don't believe it myself. But I don't know what to do if I don't get this job. I can't continue working for a company with no soul. Things just keep going further downhill there--I just found out that they are laying off all of the account managers, which will just leave more for the rest of us, who are already working longer than we should.
But would it even make a difference if I found something new, or would it just be a new place to be miserable? I might have time to spend with the people I care about, but would I be any happier? Or would I still be fighting this battle with my emotions that just seems to never end? The last six years have been a roller coaster--my entire walk has been an up and down ride. Sometimes I have hope, and sometimes I don't. I know that I'm better off than I was, but I still sometimes think I'm not so great. This is a horrible thing, but sometimes I wish that something bad would happen in my life, just so that this ordinary, never-changing life would seem good--so that I could appreciate what I have rather than mourning what I don't. I know that's terrible, but I don't know what to do about it.
My brother is getting married in four days and I should be happy for him, but all I can think is why is he the one who gets everything. He is the smart one; he's the attractive one; he's the talented one; he's the athletic one--and what does that leave me with. I know that it's all lies and that I shouldn't believe it. I know that I need to pray, to find comfort in God, to think positive and uplifting thoughts. I just don't understand why I keep falling back to this place.
I know this is a lot of personal, emotional and hardcore stuff to be posting on my blog--but I feel like this is my only connection to anyone who might understand. My family doesn't get it. My closest friends blow it off. This is my place to vent and be understood, so if you've read this far, thanks. Please pray for guidance, for direction, for peace and for discernment. I don't know what to do right now aside from that.


  1. We really do understand, Jeni. Hang in there. We believe in you . . .

  2. I know this sounds trite and overly vague, but just keep going . . . and don't listen to Nine Inch Nails.

  3. Hmmmm. Jeni=obviously smart and talented (good writer and editor)
    Jeni=athletic (ran a 5K)
    Jeni=attractive (looks really cute every time I see her)

    Jeni=loved and special to a lot of people including God.

    (who has good plans for your life!!)

  4. i love you with all my heart!! you are sooo cool and i just want you to know you cheer me up just by seeing you. you always have a smile on your face and it makes me happy to see you.

    God has plans for you life. and as much as i dislike it, his plans are on his time, not ours. tonite at bible study louie said something that got to me. we can pray and pray but sometimes we dont feel like we are heard at all. (we can feel this way with family and friends too). we were in Acts (i think chapter 25ish) and we talked about how Jesus appeared to Paul and told him he would go before Cesear. he said this right after he was placed in the prison. over 2 years later, he is still in the same prison and now there is finally talk about going to Cesear. You can imagine how much he prayed to God without anything coming back. God hears your prayers, and he knows your heart. He knows you are faithful and loving and you will be blessed with your requests (your own family and stuff) in time. I know that in my heart!!

    NEVER FORGET ---- when Jesus died on the cross He looked out and saw everyones faces. and He would have died for just one of them. Remember He saw YOUR FACE!! and He died for YOU!!! if he loves you enough to die on a cross just for you alone, He loves you enough to bless you in life. Know this with your self-confidence too. You are great because Jesus is great!! He died for you. And you have Him inside you. When you dont feel good enough, put Jesus in that position...because He is already there with you and He will help you in everything!! I love you!!

  5. I'm sorry that you're feeling this way. You stated many lies about yourself. That's total rubbish. If I were you, I'd look to get those lies replaced, experientally, and get to the business of REALIZING who you really are. Just my $.02

