Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ever feel like God is taunting you?

I know that this is not a good thing to think, yet I've found myself there all week. I went back to work on Sunday after my two week vacation, and it was a decent day, but I REALLY didn't want to be there. On Monday, the same old crap started all over again. The customers for whom I did more than we are expected to do turned around and got pissy claiming that we didn't do enough. The team member on my shift who hates to work (although apparently it's only when I'm there) continued to give the same old pushback and whining because he wanted to go home early. I still have not heard anything about the job for which I interviewed. This is when the God taunting me thoughts started. I keep wondering why He would let my hopes be raised by the interview if nothing was going to come of it. This is the first real interview I've been called for since I graduated despite applying for hundreds of jobs in the last three years.
But the feeling returned this evening for a while. This time it was brought on by something else... As most of you know, I've been praying for a while that I would be able to pay off my credit card debt, acquired in my younger and less intelligent days. I've been gradually chipping away at them little by little as I can, and yes--I have paid off five in the last year and a half BUT the two I still have left are BIG (at least for me). So tonight, I went out with my parents to the restaurant at Rail City. We sat down and my parents got their keno tickets ready. I thought about playing, debated it in my head, and decided that since I had gone to a movie today, I had already spent my entertainment money for the day. I have a set of eight numbers that have been my keno numbers since I was about ten when my parents used to let my brother and I pick numbers and play our tickets for us. Those are my numbers because the first time I picked them, my parents won a hundred dollars, which meant that I got ten dollars, which is a big deal to a ten year old. At any rate, the first game after my parents tickets were in, ALL EIGHT of my numbers appeared. After I had just talked myself out of playing. And I couldn't help thinking, once again, that God was taunting me. I mean after years of praying for relief from my debt, and praying right now for a way to be able to move to my own place by the end of the year--a way to pay for all of the deposits and starting fees associated with moving--and here if I had just played like I usually do, without expectations, just for the fun of it, I would have had all of that and more. I felt for a moment like I'm always watching the blessings fly around me, hitting other people, but always passing me by.
I know that there are many blessings in my life. I have always been blessed with good health as has my immediate family. I am blessed to have the experience of learning from the mistakes I've made with money at an early age. I am blessed to have single friends my age so that I don't have to feel like a fifth wheel when I go out. I am blessed to have parents who can help me in times of need--physically and emotionally. I am blessed with a job that I do not have to fear losing. I am blessed to have the ability to catch onto new things quickly which makes me an asset anywhere I work. I know that these are the things I should remember. I know that I should be grateful for always having enough, that nothing bad has really happened in my life. But knowing it and doing it are two different things.
This is me trying to DO the just BE thing. That's a bit of a contradiction, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. But you know God is not really taunting you, don't you?


    Sorry . . . :-)
