Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Working at home

This is a short long post with a simple request. Please pray that I would find a new job. And if you know or hear of anything that sounds like it would be good for me, please let me know.
Now, for the venting part. If you're not in the mood to read venting, don't read any further.
I just got home from work (1:30am) after starting at 1:45pm and I had to bring stuff home with me from work so that I could be home now. I still have about 1.5-2 hours worth of stuff to do, but at least I can watch Law and Order while I do it. The kicker is that we have a meeting at 8am that is mandatory. And one of the people I work with also brought home a box with her. She started work at 3pm. The person whose fault it is that we have to do all of this started at 3pm, but was 10 minutes late because he was playing pool with friends-- and he left at 11:05pm. He's scheduled to work until 11:00, so we can't MAKE him stay, and he didn't ask if he could leave, but he left anyway. The reason why we're having to fix it is because he rushed through it so that he wouldn't be late getting off. I'm tired of talking to him about the same crap over and over again with no change.

Please please please please pray that God would open a door for me to leave the Evil K if it is His will, and if it's not that He would give me the strength to endure it without wanting to physically harm myself. (Punching walls, and the like...) I cannot do this alone. If it is His will that I stay where I am, then I need to find some Christian friends who work similar schedules to keep myself from being isolated all week.


  1. Things that make you go hmmmmmm. I be prayin'.

  2. Anonymous06:20

    i apologize in advance if this posts twice - but i'm having some computer issues!

    jeni, i'm so very sorry you are in a job like the evil k. i know what it's like to be in a job that makes you miserable. i will be praying for you!!

  3. Anonymous11:37

    Was this culprit named EJRSESK (two of the letters can be removed and the rest placed in the correct order)
