Friday, October 27, 2006

Home at last!

2:30 am. Just got home from work. Time for bed. Must print resume and cover letters in a.m. Must escape Evil K. End Transmission.


  1. If you ever need a copy machine for your resumes, just let me know. ;>]

  2. That sort of cruel joke is just uncalled for, jaybird! :P PHHHHHHHTTTTTTTT!

  3. Did you know that some copy machines staple your documents for you?

  4. Really? That's AMAZING! And where could I find one of these copy machines?

  5. Anonymous11:31

    I even hear that some will even punch holes in them!

    Hey! I know it's been a long time since you've heard from me.. I kindof became an internet recluse. I showed up a few times to write a blog, but not much more than that. I was looking through some of my older posts, and realized (yea, it took me a while....) that I didn't really comment a whole lot on your blog.. so.. I'm gonna go ahead and do that now..

    K.. now to this post! I'm happy to see you trying to break the chains of the Evil K! In my case, i know, the chains were taken from me.. but that's a different convo. Any leads on some good jobs?? Who all is still there anyway?
