Monday, January 08, 2007

Tragic Indifference

I've been attempting to clean and pack, and I found a journal (one of many) that I never completely filled. And I came across a poem that I wrote in March of 2004 that I somewhat recognize as being somewhat relevant, but at the same time, something that I've definitely moved away from over the last couple of years. So here it is in its raw and unrevised form:

Tragic Indifference

What to write, what to say
my thoughts have run dry
I can think of no words,
I've made no time to try.
No time to make my dreams come true
muddling through life with a
tragic indifference--I press on,
just trying to make it through
another bleak and weary day
hoping my life will improve itself
come whatever may.
Just sitting and watching
the minutes, hours and days float by
leaving me behind in a puff of steam,
while I stand alone and stationary
letting my dreams remain dreams.