Friday, January 26, 2007

Now that I have a working computer again...

I am finally able to give an update of life in the new apartment. I am enjoying having the place to myself and not having to worry about waking someone up if I want a midnight snack. I have been cooking much more and have actually been eating three meals a day, which is something I haven't been doing for quite a while.
Today I had a moment that felt just like my life should be. Mind you, it was just a moment, but it was nice. I walked to the Evil K to print out the fifty pages that I wrote during my vacation a year and a half ago so that I can edit it and make it something usable. After that was done I walked over to Starbucks and bought a coffee and then walked home. As I was walking home I just felt like that represents what I want my life to be. So I don't always feel like my life is what I want it to be, but on a productive day like today, I feel good about my life. I'm hoping that the "loving my life" moments become more frequent this year, because I'm much more productive when I'm content.


  1. Welcome back . . . I'm glad your enjoying your new pad . . .

  2. yes, yes welcome back. i love days like you just described . where everything just seem to go nicely and everything in your small little world is happy and content. those are days to cherish and it's nice when you notice them like you did today.
