Saturday, February 10, 2007

My Useless Degree

After reading through the blogs a few minutes ago, I found myself almost resentful of some people. After three and a half years, my degree is still useless. It makes me bitter. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy for all of the people fortunate enough to be able to use their degrees, to benefit from having spent $20,000 on a college education, but some part of me can't help but ask when will it be my turn.
Right now I'm sorting through jobs, trying to find something that wouldn't involve a serious pay cut, but that would give me a normal schedule. I am so tired of being isolated from everyone because I made a mistake. I know now that I should have never started working swing shift. I know that it was a mistake to take the job because of the money. But how long do I have to be stuck in this? I know that God does not want me to be isolated, and yet here I am, still stuck in a job with a schedule that makes me miserable. Why? I can't figure it out. I just know that I can't deal with anymore nights where I don't get home until 3:30 in the morning. On Thursday night/Friday morning when I called my mom to let her know I was home safe, she was just about to get out of bed to START her day, and mine was just ending. I did receive the opportunity to take an evaluation for a job that I recently applied for. Hopefully I did well and they will be calling me soon for an interview. That is all I can pray for. That is all that will get me through this week at work--the hope that I will soon escape. I know it sounds melodramatic, but I've been too isolated for too long.
The positives of the new job that I'm hoping I get: M-F 8-4 schedule with holidays off. Less expensive insurance with no waiting period. Reimbursement for a gym membership after working there for six months. Overtime is entirely voluntary rather than necessary to doing one's job well. It is still within walking distance of my new apartment. Abundant opportunities for promotion--no chance of topping out soon.
The negatives: It would be a 66 cent per hour pay cut to start. It is a desk job, which I've never worked before, so hopefully I wouldn't be bored. Yeah, that's about it for the negatives.
Please pray that things would start to work out for me soon--that something would change to get me out of this isolation.


  1. I will be praying about that new job possibility and for you in general.

  2. Hang in there Jeni. Just because it's difficult doesn't mean you made a mistake . . . it probably just feels that way . . . this too will pass and when it does . . . I bet you look back on the experience amazed at what you learned through it all . . .

    I'll be praying for you around this new job possibility.

  3. I'll be praying, too!!!
