Tuesday, February 13, 2007


As some of you know because of my last minute e-mail, I had a job interview yesterday. As far as I know, it went pretty well and they said that they will let me know before the end of the week. I was really praying that I would hear today, because they would need me to start on the 26th, which means that if I got the job, I would have to work at both jobs during that week. The sooner they let me know, the less days I would have to do that. So, after the interview experience, I got another reason to leave the Evil K. Last night I worked a 14 hour shift, getting home at 5 am, just fueling my desire to escape there as soon as possible. I am so nervous, because I really don't know how much longer I can handle the Evil K situation. Please pray that I would hear back about the potential new job TODAY. Love you all!


  1. Thanks for the update. Keep us posted!

  2. Yes, thanks for the update. I was about to email you and ask when I was going to get it. :)

  3. What TgranpappyT said.

  4. definitely keep us posted. can't wait to hear
