Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What a funny guy!

Yeah, that's God I'm talking about. He really is one funny guy. And I'm sure you're all wondering WHY I say that he's a funny guy. Let me explain: So, Saturday, as you know by now I received a letter by e-mail saying that I had not received the job that I interviewed for. I was kind of upset, but I didn't get terribly upset because I almost knew it was coming. I told myself things to make it okay, like telling myself that this would just be a good time to go back to school since I'm working swing shift. I coaxed myself into being content and spent the next two days at work trying to make myself like it again, trying to come up with ways to make my workplace better (which by the way is mostly lip service, because the problem people NEVER change).
So anyway, this morning (and this is the reason I'm awake at this absurdly normal hour) I received a phone call at 8:45 am. I looked at the phone, I didn't recognized the number (it was from Colorado) and so I didn't answer. When I listened to the message, it turns out that it was someone from the place where I interviewed and asked me to call them back. I called back right away, and they said that they were calling to offer me the job at A DOLLAR MORE PER HOUR that what I had been told, which is more money than I am making now! So naturally, I told them that yes, I would like to accept the job working Monday through Friday 8-4 with holidays and weekends off and MORE MONEY THAN I'M MAKING NOW!
Now comes the hard part. I have to go put in my notice at the Evil K. 9 out of the other 10 people in the store will be happy for me. The one person who matters (my manager) will be very upset and very vicious. She will talk about me behind my back, she will try to talk me out of it, she will accuse me of being selfish and she will not care about any of the reasons why I might be happier at this new job. So, needless to say, I am a little bit nervous about this whole situation. And then, after I put in my notice, I immediately have to ask her for a favor and request to not start until 4pm all of next week plus the following Tuesday and Wednesday. I do not see this ending well and I am terrified that I will be forced to quit without proper notice, which I do not want to do.
If you read this before about noon, please pray that this interaction would go well and that my manager would be receptive to my reasons as well as my request to start an hour later for six of my remaining eleven work days.

Edit: This does not mean that I'm giving up on preparing for a career. I still intend to start taking classes again as soon as possible, and hopefully will be able to get tuition reimbursement this time around!


  1. Very cool! I didn't get this before noon, so I hope it went well, but if you have to quit without giving proper notice, I say go for it!!

  2. Congratulations! I'm very excited for you!

  3. Yay!!!How'd it go?

  4. that's sweet! don't worry too much about your old boss. everyone else knows she's an idiot, so the only power she has now that you don't really work for her any longer is psychological. don't let it bother you.


  5. how did it go? I called you but haven't heard back yet. it's saturday. okay let me know soon, becky

  6. so very happy for you jeni. can't wait for you when you can say goodbye to the evil k. hoping that this job is way more fun and fulfilling and appreciates your hard work.

  7. You better do some updating here! How's the two jobs simultaneously going?

  8. jay, i'm going to go ahead and guess two jobs is keeping her too busy to update :-)

  9. She can get up and update us at 4 a.m. Right, Jeni?
