Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Life beyond the Evil K (a quick update)

So, as ya'll know, yesterday was my last day at the Evil K. It has been a long couple of weeks, but it's good to finally be finished. Every day that I worked since the day that I put in my notice was like an affirmation that it was time to leave. My manager, while being sugary sweet to my face, said some not very nice things behind my back from what I've heard. This is no surprise. I expected it, but I am glad to be finished with it.
The new job is going well. It's still training for another four weeks. I'm picking things up quickly, which makes things a little boring sometimes, but that's okay. Today was my first day coming home and staying home after my new job. It's been kind of a lazy day. I watched about six episodes of Saved by the Bell on DVD (yeah, I know I'm a dork) and I'm just waiting for 8pm so that I can watch American Idol. And then to bed at a decent hour (at last!) and 7 hours of sleep.
So, that's my update for now. Thanks for stopping by! He he he!


  1. So happy and excited for you and what life holds outside the Evil K.

  2. An update at last! I'm glad it's going well for you.

  3. Great news!!! So, what exactly do you do in your job?

  4. glad it's going well. and just so you know, saved by the bell dvd's are a lot less dorky than american idol. so take hope . . . or whatever.

  5. wow.. I can't believe you don't work at the place-that-should-not-be-named anymore! That's awesome! Where's this new job? That's upsetting to hear about a certain "manager" said things behind your back. Just shows how immature she really is. But anyway, glad to see your in a new career!
