Tuesday, March 20, 2007

To go or not to go...

Coming this August is going to be the Hug High School class of '97 ten year reunion. For the last eight years I've been swearing that if by some miracle we ended up having a reunion, I absolutely, positively would not go. I didn't really put a whole lot of thought into it, because I was pretty sure it wouldn't happen, seeing that our class officers that year were stoners. (Okay, so I was naive to not realize that practically EVERYONE is a stoner in high school... Even the band geeks.) At any rate, it turns out that we ARE having a reunion, and it is being planned by someone who was NOT a class officer (or a stoner) and whom I was fairly good friends with in middle school and high school. So now I'm kind of wondering if I should go, to see those people that I did consider my friends in high school and see if we can actually have adult friendships. There are a few reasons that I would like to go, and a lot of reasons I could easily talk myself out of it. The reasons TO go are bigger, while the reasons not to are kind of petty. Here's kind of a breakdown of some of the pros and cons (hopefully you get a good laugh out of how completely ridiculous I am):

*I would have the opportunity to reconnect with the few actual friends I had from my graduating class, most of whom I have not seen for at least five years.
*I would get to find out what's going on in the lives of the people that I grew up with--not so much the high school crowd, but the one's that I experienced K-12 with-- the Lemmon Valley crowd.
*I would have the opportunity to meet/reconnect with guys my age, some of whom (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) could be single.
*It would be a night guaranteed not to be spent at home, which is always a plus for me...

*There are a lot of people from my class that were just downright mean and I'd rather not see them again. (Hopefully adulthood has changed them, but I have my doubts...)
*I have not had a boyfriend in over eight years (by that time it will be almost nine) and aside from sounding downright pathetic (though I'm happy to be single if it means waiting for the right one) there is the matter that my last boyfriend was a member of my graduating class, and the last time that I saw him he got it into his head that I hadn't had another boyfriend because I was still heartbroken over him--he told all of his friends from our class that this was the case. I picture the whole thing just being an awkward situation...
*I feel the whole purpose of going to a reunion is to brag about our successes, and while I know that this shouldn't be important to me, I feel like I don't really have any success to brag about. My job is average, nothing special, I'm still single, I have no kids, and I still haven't done the one thing that I've ALWAYS wanted to do (write a book). I know I have successes in God's eyes, but those things don't count at class reunions.

The moral of the story is, I know that I'm being kind of stupid in my reasons that I don't want to go--but I'd kind of like to get an idea of what ya'll think of class reunions and whether they're worthwhile...


  1. I always ask myself: Do you want to go? (gut reaction). Unless this is going to be a positive event for you, I personally would question going.


  2. I have a lot of experience with class reunions having attended my 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th . . . this year is my 30th . . .

    That being said, you will probably be surprised at how easily everyone reverts back to high school mode with high school dynamics and pecking orders . . . on the other hand, there are also pleasant surprises at some people's personal development . . . and new (unexpected) friendships can sometimes be made.

    Bottom line in my opinion . . . you should most definitely go . . .

  3. go go go!!! if nothing else it is the greatest people watching event ever!!!

  4. i vote for no (i didn't) - but apparently i'm outnumbered
