Sunday, May 20, 2007

Just one of those days...

My life is pretty good right now. I like my new job. I'm six days shy of proving my old boss wrong (she said I wouldn't last three months). I have actually been getting some attention from guys recently, (one asked for my # last weekend, and I got free drinks from the other last night...) which is very unusual for me. I have paid off all of my credit cards. I can probably buy a laptop soon. And yet right now, I am feeling kind of down. It has nothing to do with MY life. My life is pretty darn good right now. It has more to do with my family. Some things are not going well in my family right now. I am worried that my brother is unhappy, which makes me unhappy. My brother deserves to be happy.
Also, I have a nephew who has gotten in some trouble recently and both he and his mother are trying to blame the trouble on everyone but themselves. This frustrates me because that's how it always is with them. EVERYTHING is always someone else's fault. I know it's not my place to judge, but I just wish they would step up and take responsibilty once in a while. They have a victim mentality in ALL situations. This is part of the reason I don't enjoy their company. My sister always has some tall tale about why an incident wasn't her fault or the fault of her child. It's not her daughter's fault that she snuck out and drove a car without a license--if it wasn't for her friend...
My grandmother on my dad's side is now not speaking to my dad because of an incident at dinner on Tuesday night. My parents decided to take her out for mother's day/her birthday on Tuesday night. As usual, my mom invited my brother, his wife, and me to go along. Last time I didn't go because I had other plans, and so I felt obligated to go this time. We made it through most of dinner with no problems. We were at a buffet, so there was lots of time away from the table. Then when we went to get dessert. I almost never eat dessert, but always at a buffet. I got a tiny sliver of cake and a couple of chocolate mousse cups. As soon as I sat down with it, my grandmother looks at me and says, "You're not going to eat that, are you? That stuff makes you fat." I just said, "Um, okay," and went back to my conversation with Becca. Later in the evening, I told my mom about it and she was PISSED. I wasn't really upset by it or terribly mad because I expect this from her. After all, this is the woman who told me--at my college graduation party, no less-- that maybe I would find a boyfriend if I lost some weight. At any rate, my mom was pissed, told my dad that he needed to talk to his mother about this because it was just rude. My dad talked to her about it, she accused me of being too sensitive and somehow the conversation resulted in my father and my grandmother not speaking.
At any rate, I suppose that my point is that my family, (excluding my parents, my younger brother, my aunt and three of my cousins) is a nightmare to be around. I really don't enjoy their company all that much. All of you fellow Hillsiders are much more family to me than most of my real family. You have shown me more love and acceptance than most of my real family as well. I don't think I could ever truly express how much I appreciate that. I am just glad to have such an awesome church family who accepts me for me whether I am fat or skinny, happy or sad. Thanks to all of you for always being there for me when I need someone and for showing me love like I haven't seen from most of my family. You guys are part of what makes my life so good right now, so seriously, thank you to all of you who have treated me like family.


  1. I hear ya, Jenny. I'm glad you're part of my family. So are my girls.

  2. what up with russ? did you watch the last dancing with the stars...I think apollo and his chick are def. a little closer than just "dancing partners." me thinks that's why she broke up with her fiance...
    the fat comment was totally rude! she must have had the same expectations put on her by a relative...which is why she feels a need to pass it on. congrats on the boy attention. Thats feels good sometimes :) like you are desirable. that can be a nice pick me up. ah hem who is this guy who asked for your number? has he called?

  3. I told you about the guy who asked for my number... Truc-Ha's husband's bro. You know 6'7" guy...

  4. P.S. Jaybird needs to learn to spell... J-E-N-I... :) love ya!

  5. I may not be a smart man, Jenny, but I know what love is . . .

    signed - Forrest Plucky

  6. Alright, plucky, now you're in trouble... You must know how much I truly love, and by love I mean hate, Forest Gump references.


  7. Run, Plucky, Run!!

