Monday, May 14, 2007

SO demanding! : P

So I have this friend... Let's just call her Schmecky. Shmecky seems to be waiting for me to write a post about her and her great exodus to the horrible desert of Las Vegas.
Schmecky and I have been great friends for a very long time now. In fact, it almost makes me feel old when I think about how long we have been friends. And now Schmecky is not here and it is very depressing and we all miss her. But it doesn't really seem all that different yet. It's only been a week. I think it hasn't completely sunk in yet that Schmecky is now far far away, only to go far far far far far far far far far far far far far away in a few months. I think the far far away will be easy enough to handle because of the promise of at least a visit or two in sight. The really emotional time for me will be when the far far away becomes the far far far far far far far far far far far far far away. This is not to say that I haven't had a couple of emotional moments, but nothing quite like what I expected.
While we are on the subject of my emotional moments and Schmecky, let me share a rather amusing story about Schmecky. She told me that she'd be disappointed if I didn't cry. After all, as everybody knows, that is what I do best. If they had the job of "professional cryer" somewhere, that would be me. At any rate, she expected me to cry. So on the day of Schmecky's official send off at church, she intentionally did not sit by me because she knew that I would cry. I did, and then all was well. The following Sunday was Schmecky's final Sunday at our church before her exodus, and as we were preparing to leave, people were stopping Schmecky to wish her well on her voyage. After each person, she would try to herd me toward the door. I am convinced that she was trying to get out as quickly as possible so that all of these other goodbyes would not result in me crying. It was quite funny really. I suppose you probably had to be there, but I was VERY amused. In the end, we both escaped the church completely dry.
And that is the beginning of the story of Schmecky's exodus. Stay tuned for future installments of this tale.


  1. Alas, dear Schmecky . . . we knew her well . . .

    I miss hearing the words "jerkeyface," like I'm some sort of piece of beef jerkey or something . . . I never did get that one, but nevertheless, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside in a slim jim sort of way . . .

  2. She has frequently told me, "Stop being such a jerk." Usually at times that were unprovoked. She's a funny girl. I will call her, "Funny Red".

  3. quite fond of the new name. Can't even imagine where you got it from. I'm watching loads of tv and reading a juicy novel. It's all so evil. perhaps I'll never get a job...

  4. hey would you mind dropping maggie's netflix movie in the mailbox. you don't have to do anything before you send it. she's reminding me and I keep forgetting to tell you.
