Saturday, July 21, 2007

Can this really be the end?

Captain of the geeks reporting in. I just completed my marathon reading session after picking up my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I started reading at about 2 am and I just finished at about 5:30 pm. I did pause in there for a short nap, about an hour and a half. But now I am done. I am kind of sad that the whole series is over. That there will be no more of Harry Potter's adventures to read. I will say nothing about the content of the book at this point so as not to spoil anything for people who haven't started and/or finished yet. I suppose now I shall have to resort to reading the whole series OVER AND OVER again. (Not that I didn't do that already, but now it is complete, so it's different.)


  1. i hate to be picky and reveal my level of nerdiness (ok, i don't mind either) - half-blood prince is the 6th book, which i assume you read 2 years ago.

    i know what you mean, however, and i am somewhat impressed. i only made it to page 500 by Sunday night. in my defense i did do other things besides read these two days.

    while i enjoyed the stories, they weren't like my reason to live or anything and there are plenty of other books i want to read, so i don't feel overly sad about the series coming to an end.

    and i'm interested to see if rowling can write anything else even half-way decent -- i have my doubts.

  2. Thanks for catching that, diga... That is why one should not blog after not sleeping.

    I understand having other things to do... My reading marathon is just one way in which I was able to take advantage of the single life. This is one time that I'm glad to have no spouse/children.

    I wouldn't call the books my reason to live, and I definitely read plenty of other books, but I'm mostly sad about it because this is something that I've been able to share with a lot of people. Most of the books I read result in a puzzled look from the other person when brought up in conversation.

    I wouldn't say that I doubt that she'll be able to write anything else halfway decent because she does have a pretty good style, but she had so much invested in these that I don't know if she'll be able to come up with another good story.

    In other words, the writing may be decent but the story itself is likely to suck...

  3. You know, I thought I saw something about this on the news . . . just who is this Harry Potter person anyway?

  4. plucky, speaking of news, check this out

    You might find somebody you know...

  5. my main thoughts after finishing last night:

    1. i felt smart for being right about certain plot points (e.g. snape)

    2. i really disliked the epilogue

  6. I agree with you about the epilogue. I found it to be completely unnecessary. But when I told one of my friends this, she reminded me that technically these are still children's books and children would want to know what happened later, where adults can figure it out themselves based on the clues...

  7. congrats jeni. I finally have got my internet working to normal speed! praise god...
    Still haven't read the book yet. Maybe I just won't. Delay the end result.
