Thursday, July 19, 2007

Geekism is in my genes

So tomorrow is the release of the seventh and final Harry Potter book. I read through books one through six a few weeks ago and I got done too early. I had to read a couple more books, see the fifth movie and then start over with books five and six. My eagerness to try to determine what is going to happen in book seven has gotten my mom interested in the books. I've been trying to talk her into reading them for five years, and finally she decided to give them a chance. She originally only took the first book because she wasn't sure if she was going to like them since she usually reads mysteries. A couple days after I gave her the first book, she asked me to get out the next book for her so that she could pick it up when she came to get my cat. (She was watching Smokey while I was in Napa a couple of weekends ago.)
I knew that this would happen. I knew that my mom would enjoy them and want to get through them as quickly as she could. After all, the last series I got her hooked on, she finished reading 14 books in about a month.
Today when I asked my mom how far she was in book four of the Harry Potter series, she tried to defend herself as though I was going to make fun of her for reading slow and told me that there are more important things than books. I pretended to freak out and said, "You mean I shouldn't be staying at home reading when I'm supposed to be at work." She laughed and said that I only go to work so that I can pay for my books. My response: "Yeah, I don't even bother with rent anymore-- just books." And her response: "You have to pay rent so that you have a place to keep your books."
So apparently my mom thinks I am a geek. I haven't even bought very many books recently. The last book I bought was the most recent in the series that she's also addicted to and she read it before I did. Mind you, once I got my hands on it, I read it in one night... But come on--I might as well enjoy all of this reading time while I am single because we all know that if I ever get married, I won't have this sort of time then.

I may be a geek, but I think I have evidence that it's hereditary.

1 comment:

  1. my dad reads books quickly as well, and i kind of got him into the series since i started reading it with maria darn near 10 years ago now (i think it was really 8 years when book 2 came out)
