Thursday, November 01, 2007

12 days and counting

Only twelve more days until my surgery. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it would be detailed in the posts marked "for ladies only". The rebellious men who are close friends ignored those comments and read them anyway. So if you really want to know, go back and check out those posts.
At any rate, as I get closer and closer, I get even more nervous. But at the same time, I am very excited, and I am very much looking forward to taking up running again in the early part of next year. But despite the excitement, the nerves are the dominant feeling right now. If ya'll could be praying that I would be able to get rest over the next couple of weeks and for the weeks following the surgery. It actually occurs on November 13. Also prayers that it would go well and that I would heal quickly would also be appreciated.
I have lots of lists of things to do between now and then. Things to buy, things to pack to bring to my mom's house, things not to do. And I keep going back to the lists, worried that I'm overlooking some major thing that I need to do beforehand, even though I know that it's just because I am nervous.
In the spirit of change that is happening and is soon to come, I updated my blog colors to reflect the season... I suppose it just means that in a few weeks, after Thanksgiving, I will have to change the colors again to reflect Christmas. Oh well, we'll get to that soon enough...


  1. A new look for your blog . . . a new look for Jeni . . . very cool . . . Lord, I pray that your peace will be with Jeni every day and through the surgery and recovery . . .

  2. You will be in my prayers and thoughts Jeni. Believe me you will do great. I'll be praying for a fast recovery. BTW I like the new colors. I hated the days to count down before Morgan's surgery but on the actual day it seems like everything was happening so fast.

  3. you are in my thoughts and prayers and i know you will do just fine. God's peace be with you throughout this whole process and a speedy recovery.
