Sunday, November 11, 2007

Only 37 and a half more hours...

Less than two more days until D-day. And I mean that quite literally. I am feeling nervous, but not nearly as nervous as I had expected to feel at this point. Last night I had a dream that it had already happened. In the dream, it started right when I was being put to sleep. When I woke up, my mom and dad were there. My dad peeled back my bandages to peek and then said, they look great. I hope you like them. It was kind of creepy. Then after that, we went downstairs to look for something to eat. We took the elevator down, and then we were in a casino. (That's pretty depressing that in my dream, even the hospital had a casino!) Then I decided I didn't feel well enough to eat, so we went back to my room and I went to sleep. Then I rolled over in my dream (as well as in real life) and I freaked out because I was supposed to be sleeping only on my back. That is when I woke up.
Now I'm trying to get my apartment clean for when I come home from my mom's. I am waiting for the dishwasher to get done so that I can go to bed. Then tomorrow, after I get the rest of my cleaning done, I will head out to my mom's house, where we will be doing more cleaning because my mom decided to make our weekly Dancing with the Stars ritual a party of sorts. Usually it's just my mom and I and sometimes my friend Christina, but since it is the night before my surgery, my mom decided to make it a party and invite a few more people. There may be about seven of us watching it.
In other news, since I figure I won't be able to drive to church next week, I asked my mom if she would take me and come with me. I told her that we no longer pray out loud in big groups, which is what freaked her out last time she came with me. Upon hearing that, she agreed to come with me. Yay! My sinister plot has succeeded. The reality of it is that it will be very nice to not show up to church alone and to not sit alone and to not have to work so hard to find someone to do communion with. I know this may sound a bit selfish, and I really don't mean it that way. I really do want my mom to come with me for her sake. But I can still see the advantages for myself. And it will be nice for her to meet all of the people who are more family to me that most of my family. I hope that I feel up to venturing out on Sunday.
I don't think I have anything else to add because my brain is turning into mush due to the lateness of the hour. :) Good night all!


  1. I wouldn't put it past Nevada to put slot machines in the hospitals! I'll be there this upcoming Sunday, hope to meet your mom. Feel your pain as far as the praying in groups, my palms sweat just thinking about it!

  2. you were in my prayers yesterday and today. God keeps setting you on my heart. hope you are doing as good as you can be. see you soon.

  3. Hope you are doing well . . . I actually remembered to pray for you too . . . .

  4. It was good to see you in church today . . . you looked great! I bet you feel much more comfortable and I'm glad it went well.

  5. hope everythign is okay. I haven't heard from you...I'm assuming you are busy recovering. But when you get some time let me know :)
