Thursday, January 03, 2008

For a Limited Time Only

Okay, so perhaps the title of this post is a bit too much like an advertisement. But really it is accurate. Because here's the thing... I have this friend. Let's just call her "Schmecky". Oh wait, we've already done this, haven't we?
I guess I'll refrain from calling her "Schmecky" for the entire post AGAIN. So anyway, yesterday Becky was here. For one whole day. 24 hours. (Well, maybe more like 28, but since I was working, it didn't really matter.) We went out last night. I wasn't ready to go yet when Becky and Mary came to pick me up at my apartment--I had just gotten home and was trying to change after work. It made things a bit frantic. But anyway, I got ready to go and we headed downtown for a 4:50 movie time. We watched Charlie Wilson's War which was quite depressing. Then we went to Bangkok Cuisine for dinner. This was a required activity. Before Becky decided what day she was coming into town, she requested that I call Bangkok to see if they would be open on New Year's Day. If they had been, she would have been here then, but alas, they were not, and so the day after New Year's would have to do.
After dinner, we were faced with another disappointment. The Chocolate Bar was CLOSED! AHHHHHHHHHH! So we went to Seven Tea on Arlington instead where we chose drinks named for the seven deadly sins. As you can imagine, this resulted in quite a few jokes. And then it was time for me to go home since I had to work at 7am again today. And now it will be another 8 or 9 months before I see one of my closest friends again.
In the mean time, Mary has suggested that I get involved volunteering for an unnamed presidential campaign. This was probably just as much for her sake as it was for mine, since she doesn't want to volunteer alone. And Becky is a bit sad because she won't be here to caucus. Anyway, I signed both of us (Mary and I) today and we are thinking of going to the caucus party on Tuesday. Woo hoo! Who knew that I could be this nerdy.
I think perhaps I should stop writing before I let it slip that I bought 11 books on Barnes and Noble's website this weekend. (They were all clearance, so I really only spent about 35 dollars...) OOPS! I didn't mean to actually tell that! :)
Well, good night to all, and I hope you have nerdy dreams!


  1. yay a new post from you! We love Bankok Cuisine, I am supposed to be there right this minute, actually. But the weather is so horrible, we just decided to stay home. Oh well, maybe we'll celebrate sometime next week!
    So you're a politician now? If anything, it will be a good place to spot cute boys!

  2. Bummer. We miss Schmecky. Glad you got to hang out with her though...

    So, are you caucusing?

  3. Laura- That's pretty much what I was thinking. There were lots of cute boys at the caucus party on television.

    Scoey- Schmecky did say to tell everybody hi.
    And of COURSE I'm caucusing! :)

  4. I am so jealous! I wish I could be there to volunteer for O's campaign...well, right, I couldn't. If I were still there, I'd still be a journalist and I couldn't volunteer for anything. Missing nevada. Got a "talking to" today from my boss about coming in late in the morning. I had an excuse on Monday. I got sick on my way to work. I had to run back to my was not pretty..if you know what I mean.
