Saturday, January 05, 2008

Game Night with Barack Obama

Okay, so last night I had quite a strange dream. I was at somebody's house, I'm not sure whose, and we were having a game night. The house felt strangely familiar in the dream, but now that I am awake, I cannot identify it. There were quite a few people at the house, intermixed from different parts of my life as usual, plus some I didn't know. Some of my family members were there and also some church friends, and all were mingling together during the games as if they'd all known each other for years.
At one point I got up to get something to drink from the stainless steel refrigerator and there was a girl there I didn't know. She started talking about the blogs and she said, "And then there's that Jeni girl. Her blogs are SOOO boring."
I spoke up and said, "Hey, that's me!"
And her response was a flippant, "I know."
Right about that time, the board game ended and everyone started gathering in the kitchen to get some snacks in between games. We were all chatting and getting ready to head back to the table when there was a brief tap on the door. Before anybody can get over to let our guest in, the door opened and in walked Barack Obama. Everyone looked at him, astounded, not really certain that he was really there.
When he finally opened his mouth to speak, he said, "What's the matter? Did you think I didn't know about these things?"
He sat down at the table, as did his wife and children, and he motioned for all of us to join him.

And then I woke up. That was interesting...


  1. Your dream just confirms my suspicion that Obama plays games.

  2. Very interesting... would you like me to analyze that for you? j/k.
    Don't believe that girl... your blog isn't boring!

  3. i knew obama liked games. i'm not surprised at all.

    it's possible he may even play games with his family on occasion.

    duly noted.

  4. your blogs are boring! Next time in your dream, punch that girl in the nose! :) I can be a bit volatile at times. I can't even think of what Obama's wife and kids look like. Interesting dream

  5. Well, I might have punched her in the nose still had I not woken up. Perhaps if I create a fiction story out of the dream I will work in a punch to the nose.

  6. i wish i could play scrabble with barack...I'm sure he'd cream me, though.
