Sunday, May 11, 2008

Calling All Winewalkers.

So, as Laura posted on her blog a few weeks ago, some of us are planning to get together for the winewalk downtown next Saturday. This post is just to serve as a reminder. So if you are interested.
Who: Anyone who would like to go.
What: The Winewalk downtown
When: Saturday, May 17 at 2pm
Where: Downtown Reno
Why: Because it's fun!

I am proposing that anyone who would like to go should meet up at Starbucks across from the movie theater at 1:45pm so that we will be ready to start promptly at 2pm. This is just a suggestion, and if anyone has any opposition to this plan, please let me know. I look forward to seeing ya'll there!


  1. thanks for posting... sounds like a plan. also, if we are hungry at the end of our "walk", we can eat:)

  2. Ooops, sorry. I forgot to mention the food part! But definitely!

  3. I'm a bad, bad friend. Sorry all, due to the loss of a babysitter, we will not be attending the winewalk this weekend:(

  4. Hey Jeni,
    I will be there, no wine for me, but I'd like the company. Hope it's o.k. if I push along Morgan. I won't be staying for dinner though :( See you at Starbucks

  5. i have a question... are you on strike or something???
